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This module converts node bodies and titles written with valid(!) HTML markup to XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) and back to HTML. You can use Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tools to support your content translation process.

Note that this module is in the very early stages, and there are several limitations. Testing and improvements (patches) are very much welcome!

More information on XLIFF:

August 28, 2013

New Co-maintaners and New Direction

bryanschnabel and KCarlile have become co-maintainers of the XLIFF Tools module with the support and help of Gábor Hojtsy. The XLIFF Tools module is used extensively by Tektronix, the company that both bryanschnabel and KCarlile are employed by. [Edit 2014.10.6: KCarlile now employed by Acquia.] Their team, as well as others at Tektronix, have made substantial enhancements to the XLIFF Tools module. Gábor Hojtsy recommended that these enhancements be committed to the contributed module and bryanschnabel and KCarlile become co-maintainers of the module.

bryanschnabel works as the manager of the Digital Solutions Architecture Group at Tektronix and is the chair of the OASIS XLIFF Technical Committee, an original contributor of the XSLT code for the XLIFF Tools module, and is a contributor to the open source community through the xliffRoundTripTool project and the DITA-XLIFF Roundtrip OT Plugin.

KCarlile worked with bryanschnabel at Tektronix as the Web Architect & Operations Manager where he acted as a technical lead for the Drupal implementation and migration. He has also the developer and administrator of two Drupal sites and has developed multiple custom modules for internal usage. KCarlile is now Technical Architect at Acquia.

bryanschnabel and KCarlile have implemented a robust real-world application of the XLIFF Tools module to translate and launch as many as six (to date) deep translations of Tek.com, corporate website for a Fortune 500 test and measurement company. In addition to implementing, customizing, and utilizing the XLIFF Tools module for translation, bryanschnabel and KCarlile developed and extension post-export, pre-import processing suite for further filtering and processing of XLIFF content specific to the needs of Tektronix.

Our immediate plans for the future of the XLIFF Tools module are to roll our enhancements into a new development branch of the module for community download, review, and usage. A D8 version of the module is under consideration at this point and we would welcome any contributed efforts to port the D6 version of the module to D7. Other possible future enhancements include (1) adding functionality to the XLIFF Tools module to directly export and import PO strings (Translate Interface) as XLIFF for easier translation as well as (2) an upgrade to XLIFF 2.0. Expect a formal announcement regarding future plans no sooner than November of 2013.

IMPORTANT: 6.x-3.x-dev

This version is the Tektronix-modified version of XLIFF. At the time of this publishing, this version of the module has not been cleaned up for community usage, but we wanted to get this code published for community review and comment. This version is currently only for community review as it will be updated in the future.