Menu Trails

Component ID


Component name

Menu Trails

Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

This module adds some common-sense usability to Drupal's menu system

  • Menu Trails implements primary/secondary links which keep the current menu trail "active" or highlighted. A handy snippet ready to go into your template.php is included.
  • The module provides a means of broadly categorizing nodes (by type or taxonomy) as falling "under" a known menu item. These nodes are not added to the menu tree (keeping the menu admin system sane) but they will trigger the functionality above -- preserving navigation state for the user -- when viewed.
  • New for 6.0: Menu Trails can also set breadcrumbs for nodes, keeping them in sync with the trail.
  • New for 6.0: Menu Trails is now Organic Groups aware, so nodes can be designated to fall "under" the first group node they belong to.
  • New for 6.0: A token is exposed to pathauto (and other token-aware modules) allowing for the menu trail to be used in automatic path alias creation.

How is this useful? Compare: BEFORE vs. AFTER

Menu Trails module was developed with sponsorship from the fine folks at Songbird and the 6.0 release was aided greatly by the Moblin project.