Javascript keyboard

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Javascript keyboard

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The keyboard allows you to specify character substitutions for your keyboard input method. You specify the character to be substituted with the decimal equivalent of the Unicode number of the character in : pairs separated by commas.
e.g. "A" is represented in Unicode as U+0041. Therefore the decimal equivalent is 65.

When you place your cursor into a text input field, a little drop-down menu pops up to allow you to pick a keyboard layout from among the available layouts (defined by the site owner).

For example, we use it to specify the layouts of several African languages.

These are some sample substitutions to enter into the "Keyboard Map" field at when you have installed the kkeyboard (kasahorow Input Method) module:

Akan: 120:596,88:390,113:603,81:400
Gbe: 113:603, 81:400, 99:331,67:330, 91:596, 123:390,123:390,93:651, 125:434,106:402,74:401, 96:611, 126:404, 92:599, 124:394
Hausa: 120:596,88:390,113:603,81:400,99:331,67:330

So, for example, for the “Akan” keyboard we can now enter the special characters ɔ and ɛ by pressing x and q respectively.