User Stats

Component ID


Component name

User Stats

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

Provides commonly requested user statistics for themers, IP address tracking and Views integration. Statistics are:

  1. days registered;
  2. join date;
  3. days since last login;
  4. days since last post;
  5. post count;
  6. login count;
  7. user online/offline;
  8. IP address;

This module was developed for The Webmaster Forums (who have moved to Drupal from vBulletin -- yes, we do like Drupal's forum!)


This module integrates with Views and Rules.

On the demonstration site (in the sidebar) the post counts are managed by this module. Also, mods and admins on that site are able to see the IP addresses of people who post there, the theme prints this in the header of each node/comment, very useful for catching spammers.