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Component body

The BACnet module for Drupal is an energy management tool, allowing easy real-time monitoring of energy related data across a team within an intranet or other Drupal website.

Its intent is to show some energy related data from BACnet systems to many, many people, by putting the data right into the sites they already go to many times a day.

The tool is setup as a suite of "energy dashboard" features, each providing a particular type of functionality:

  • Text - The value NOW . This allows comparison of current electrical usage between two buildings.
  • Dials - The Dial image is a way to display the NOW value in the context of an upper limit set for the facility.
  • Charts - Bar Charts display data over a period of time, for instance average zone temperature computed hourly and displayed for the last 24 hours.
  • Graphs - Line Graphs, like Charts, displays data over a period of time, and are useful for displays such as comparing electrical usage between facilities.

Each feature is designed to make users more aware of energy usage in their facilities and promote Institutional "... Leadership In Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance" by showing users real-time energy data to change behavior. Informed conscientious users will reduce waste and save facilities up to 30% on utility costs.

Use this tool to show some BACnet data to many people using Drupal.

Watch the RED HAT BIG DATA Video on this module --> Big data and energy management


The Features described above are based on the working sandbox proof-of-concept. The review and testing process to get to a stable release resulted in rewriting the code, stripping out all but the real-time text block feature. Work is underway to factor back in the advertised features, first into dev. Feel free to jump in and contribute to the effort by getting up to speed thru the Project Roadmap.


For more information on BACnet Energy Dashboards, or to get involved, please visit one of the following links: Across the Internet
  • Issues Queue for discussion of specific changes to this module, including reporting of bugs.
  • Visit for the Latest News on BACnet and BACnet Interest Groups.
  • Drupal Groups for discussions broadly related to the BACnet Energy Dashboards module.
  • BACnet International for Product Listings.
  • Search Drupal Dashboards for ideas to extend the usefulness of your BACnet E-boards.
  • BACnet Group - Drupal for a live demonstration and setup tips. (Under Construction)
  • Awesome Energy Dashboards require :
