Shabbat & Yom-Tov Guard

Component ID


Component name

Shabbat & Yom-Tov Guard

Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

Jewish site owners are required by the Halacha (the jewish law) to close their site on Shabbat and Jewish holidays, if the site aims towards a Jewish audience or if the site is in a primarily Jewish language such as Hebrew, Yiddish or Ladino.

This module is an interface to integrate 3rd party mechanisms, which watch Shabbat times and allow a website to be Shabbat and jewish holidays observant. Content will be blocked on shabbat and jewish holidays schedule, according to the surfer's location. This is done in a google-friendly way (so that the site will continue to exist for Google).

The Jewish Shabbat start time (Sabbath, Shabes, שבת) is just before Friday's sunset (Shabbat candle lighting time, Erev Shabbat, kiddush). Shabbat end is when Saturday's night starts. This is a different time according to the surfer's location. Same about jewish holidays (Yom Tov). The defintion of Jewish 'Yom Tov' includes Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Shavuot, first+second holidays of passover, and first + second holidays of Succot but not Purim, Hanukkah and middle days of Succot and Passover. Notice - some jewish holidays take one day in Eretz Israel, but two days abroad.

The module is currently interfacing to the Saturday Guard mechanism, as used on


Saturday Guard user account.


Copy the 'shabbat' module directory in to your Drupal modules directory as usual, install it and enable it.


  1. Configure the module's setting. Register a demo account at the shabbat service provider site, then add your user ID to the admin/settings/shabbat page.
  2. Enable the block provided by the module for all pages which need to keep shabbat and yom tov. Pages on which the block appears will be blocked on shabbat and yom tov. This allows you to block only a certain part of the site.

Advanced Settings

Use the following code anywhere on your template files (especially, on page.tpl.php) to plant the sabbath settings in a a specific locations as needed.
print theme_shabbat_code();


The module development was done for my jewish clipart site.

Shabbat shalom!