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Transform Data into Information. Charts are a very good way to visualize a lot of data in a way that can be quickly digested.


  1. Wide chart type support: Pie, Line, Bar, Column, Area or Scatter charts.
  2. API: A Drupal-friendly syntax for creating charts easily, regardless of the underlying library.
  3. Views integration: Display the Views results as charts.
  4. Examples: The module includes lots of example charts for you to reference when building your own charts or chart library integration.
  5. Supported charting libraries: out of the box, you may use either (the new) Google Charts (GC for short), Highcharts (HC for short), or C3 (Drupal 8 only) as the charting library.

Installation and configuration

Refer to the Getting Started documentation for detailed instructions, as well as the README.txt file included with the module which may contain additional information.


The community documentation contains a lot of documentation about the Charts module. And the module comes with examples charts to show how to configure and use it.

Drupal 8

We have an early version of the Drupal 8 module available for testing (use at your own risk!). One difference is the incorporation of an additional library: C3. C3 makes it easy to generate D3-based charts by wrapping the code required to construct the entire chart.

Related projects

For a more accurate summary of projects related to the charts module, checkout Related Modules in the community documentation.


Please post bug reports, feature requests and support requests to the Charts module issue queue. In doing so, complying with the Issue creation guidelines will speed up things for all parties involved.

Helping out

There are plenty of ways to help maintain, further enhance and support the chart module, as detailed in How to contribute.


Credit goes to all the maintainers for building, maintaining and supporting the module.