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This module embeds Gallery2 ( inside your Drupal installation to support photos, videos and other content. There is support for 2 types of image blocks and a navigation menu, inserting of images into nodes via an input filter, TinyMCE support, syncing of users between the 2 applications, ...

Note that you will need to download and install Gallery2 ( prior to installing this module.

You can see the module in action on Gallery's own website at:

Please post bug reports and feature requests in the Issues tracker, support requests should generally go to the Gallery 2 Integrations Forums first. You may also check the Gallery2 Integration group for latest news and discussion on the module.

News & Updates

A development version of gallery module for Drupal 6 is now available! It already contains all the features targeted for this series. Please note that the D6 module requires the G2.3/svn version of Gallery2.

People have asked how to support development of the Gallery 2 integration in Drupal. They explicitly asked for a ChipIn fund to support me monetarily. But also consider - even as a non-developer - to contribute documentation and/or help on the forums, so that I can focus on coding instead.