Scripture Filter


Component ID


Component name

Scripture Filter

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

This is a simple filter module. It converts a Scripture reference into a clickable link that points to one of numerous on-line Bibles.

The default is the NIV in English on's site. It can also use a number of other English translations from, the ESV online bible and the NET bible.

There had been a number of long-standing bugs in the issue queue. These have all now been fixed as of the 1.3 releases. This means that attention can shift to adding new features - but this will only happen for the 7.x branch. No new features will be added to the Drupal 6 version of the module.

Please use the issue queue to help take the module forward - reporting any bugs you find, and requesting any new features you'd like to see.

Note on Drupal 8 version: I am still maintaining this module, and am fully committed to porting it to Drupal 8. However, for the next 2-3 months, I don't have time to migrate the code due to other commitments. It is coming. If anyone else would like to open an issue for this, and propose a patch that can then become RTBC as someone else tests and reviews it, I will happily create an 8.x branch and commit the patch.