AGLS Metadata


Component ID


Component name

AGLS Metadata

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

This module provides meta tag support for the AGLS Metadata Standard. The AGLS Metadata Standard provides a set of metadata properties and associated usage guidelines to improve the visibility, manageability and interoperability of online information and services.

Details about the scheme can be found at the AGLS Standards site.


Drupal 8
The Drupal 8 version has an initial release but is still in development.

Drupal 7
The Drupal 7 version requires Metatag and Metatag Dublin Core (included in that module), and includes most of the basic AGLS tags.

7.x-1.0-beta3 introduces support for the scheme, lang and dir attributes on AGLS meta tags. Existing sites MAY need to update their tags to get valid values for these properties, however new sites should get sensible defaults.

7.x-1.0-beta3 REQUIRES Metatag 7.x-1.0-dev from July 25th, 2013, or later If you wish to run an earlier version of Metatag, use beta2 for new installs, and beta1 for sites with existing meta tags.

Drupal 6
The Drupal 6 version depends on the Nodewords module.


This module is maintained by

PreviousNext can also be contacted for paid customizations of this module as well as Drupal consulting, installation and development.

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