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ProfilePlus adds the ability to search user profiles to the standard Drupal search form. This module allows you to search all public fields in a user's profile. This includes the default fields created by Drupal e.g. username, and any custom fields you might create with the Profile module.

7.x-1.2 Stable release is available now

The 7.x-1.2 version of ProfilePlus is similar to 6.x-1.2 which provides only simple search functionality which uses a single field to search username and public profile fields for any term submitted in the search field.

New features in 6.x-2.0-beta2 release

The 6.x-2.0-beta2 version of ProfilePlus provides advanced profile search in addition to regular profile search with admin control over which public profile fields are included and searchable in the advanced search form.

This version of ProfilePlus allows you to perform simple or advanced profile searches using Drupal core modules.

  • Simple search uses a single field to search username and public profile fields for any term submitted in the search field.
  • Advanced search allows you to search specific public profile fields for specific terms.

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7.x - When activated the module adds an additional 'User Profiles' tab to the Drupal search page which can be enabled in admin/config/search/settings under "Active search modules".

6.x - When activated the module adds an additional 'User Profiles' tab to the Drupal search page.

Users must have both the Search module's 'use advanced search' permission and ProfilePlus module's 'search user profiles' permission in order to be able to use advanced profile search.


7.x & 6.x: After the module has been installed, it is recommended (but optional) that you remove the 'Users' tab from the search form since ProfilePlus includes and extends that tab's functionality. Instructions on how to do this are in the README.txt file included with this module.


For users of Drupal 5.1: When a new user registers and fills in a profile field, that user will not appear in the search results. This is a known bug in the Profile module. The issue has been solved in Drupal 5.2, so upgrade your Drupal install if you are experiencing this problem.