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Note: As of 2014-12-05, this module appears to no longer be supported. If you as the module maintainer feel this message has been posted in error, please reply to #2290957: The Affiliates module appears to be unsupported..
Please note that there is an actively maintained alternative:

This is an affiliates that was used on Mozilla marketing sites.


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An alternative e-commerce system. Orders are saved as nodes so that they can more easiliy be integrated into Views and use other Drupal features & modules such as comments, nodeapi, Workflow, Actions, etc..

Order is a self-contained module that provides cart and order functionality. An API is provided for other modules to adjust prices and item contents via order_cart_alter() hooks. After rules are processed, and the cart's owner is ready to check out, the cart is saved as a node.


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This module can be used by other modules to collect and track payments. Through this API, any module can provide a payment form and payments can be handled and tracked centrally.

Payment forms

A payment form is the result of any business rules that include a request or recommendation of payment. Examples include shopping cart checkout pages, donation forms, event registration pages, user registration forms, or tip jars.

Republish - Node Content in an overlay

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Republish Module allows administrators to provide a Republish button for the end user to republish the content of a node in an overlay. When end user clicks on republish button provided, a popup appears which contains node content as per configurations besides republish guidelines and instructions. End user can copy the html content provided in textarea of overlay and use that html to embed it into another website to republish.

Basically Republish Module provides feature to


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The ad module is a powerful advertising system for Drupal-powered websites. It supports the random display and tracking of graphical (banner) and text ads. Ads can easily be displayed in themes, blocks, or embedded in site content. The module records comprehensive statistics about when and how often ads are viewed and clicked, including a plug-in module for generating graphical time-based reports. Ads can be assigned to multiple owners, each of which can be assigned their own set of permissions. Installation is simple by design. An API is provided allowing the development of additional functionality and integration with other Drupal modules.

Content Injector (formerly AdSense Injector)

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Insert advertisements(or any text/HTML/JavaScript content) into nodes without editing individual nodes or tweaking theme templates. Insert ads or other content in node body or teasers automatically.

*Content Injector was formerly known as AdSense Injector.

Major new features

Reliable in-content insertion using HTML DOM and XPath manipulation

Want to insert ads or other content inside node bodies?

The 6.x-3.x and 7.x-3.x versions for Drupal 6 and 7 now provide reliable in-line insertion into a node's body.

This version provides three body insertion points: top, in-line, and bottom.

The in-line insertion template uses the PHP DomDocument's XPath query feature to select an insertion point. This is powerful, allowing for any valid XPath expression to select the insertion point -- but this also requires that you know what you're doing with XPath if you want to override the default insertion point.

Per-node insertion blocking

There are undocumented features in the 6.x-3.x and 7.x-3.x branches. You can prevent insertion on a per-node basis by adding ai:noinject to the start of a node's body text. See issue #1333800: Document ai:noinject feature: prevent automatic injection in node body of selected nodes. for more info.

In addition, if the node contains any AdSense module [adsense:xxx] manual insertion tags, this module will not inject any ad templates -- so in effect, if you place any AdSense ads using the AdSense module's [adsense] tags, this module's features are disabled for the node in question.

Upgrading from a previous release

The 6.x-3.x and 7.x-3.x branches are fully functional but lack ability to migrate settings from previous versions, so you'll have to reset all your current settings (save copies of your ad templates first!) and re-configure the module.

Call for testers

I need help testing the 6.x-3.x and 7.x-3.x branches new features. Please test and create bug reports if you find any problems.

Module Overview

You can control the node types and word count that will trigger insertion. For example, you can insert content only on "Story" or "Book" (or both) node types, and only if they have more than 300 words. You can use CSS styles to control placement on the page to some extent.

This module allows you to inject content at the top, bottom, or inline in a node's body field when a node is rendered on a full-page view. You can inject content before or after the node's teaser in teaser views. You can inject any arbitrary content you like: text, HTML, JavaScript, whatever.

The AdSense module is required only for [adsense] tag support; if you aren't using [adsense] tags, there is no dependency on the AdSense module as of the 6.x-3.x and 7.x-3.x branches.


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The Contest module allows your site to host random games of chance, “Sweepstakes”. Users can enter to win prizes via a random drawing.

Example uses for the Contest module include:

  • A theater or museum has a contest to give away tickets to encourage online users to join.
  • A club hosting a sweepstakes for it's members.
  • An advertiser sponsor's a contest that a news/publishing/media company hosts in exchange for the entrant list.
  • A website host's contests to entice members to visit the site regularly.

The Contest module provides an easy way to join the website and enter the contest at the same time. Members with complete profiles can just click the “Enter Contest” button.

Classified Ads

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Classified Ads provides a simple system to run a classified ads service on Drupal.

With this module, users can create their free Classified Ads in the style of craigslist.

Classified Ads may belong to one or more categories (e.g. "For Sale", "Want to Buy"), defined as taxonomy terms.

Classified Ads lists are completely sortable and customizable, with or without Views.

Automatic warning notifications inform users about the status of their ads: half-life, expiring soon, expired, impending purge, purged, ...


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Note: The open source ad server software formerly known as OpenX (and before that Openads) was sold by OpenX Technologies, Inc to one of the developers and is now referred to as Revive Adserver. See and for the announcements.

This module integrates the popular open source ad server Revive Adserver (formerly OpenX and before that Openads) with Drupal. The last versions the Drupal 6.1.x branch of this module was tested with were OpenX 2.6 and OpenX 2.4. The Drupal 6.2.x branch and 7.1.x versions of this module have been tested with Revive Adserver is 3.0.5 but have not been tested with any previous versions of Revive Adserver and its previous incarnations (OpenX/Openads).

Previously supported OpenX invocation methods include:

  • Javascript (default)
  • Remote
  • Local

In the 6.2.x and 7.1.x branch of this module the same invocation methods above are supported and have been tested with Revive Adserver version 3.0.x.