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The Checkmail module checks a POP3 or IMAP e-mail account and prints one or more of the following: the total number of e-mail messages in your INBOX, the number of recent (new) e-mail messages (IMAP only), the number of unread e-mail messages (IMAP only), the total size of the e-mail messages in your mailbox. This module provides both a block and page for output.


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A module that lets you organize and maintain a feature list by category.

The 5.0 and later version has configurable categories.

This module was used to run the "features" page but is now retired.

NOTE: This modules precedes, and is not related in any way, to the more popular features module!


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This is a lightweight module that allows users to subscribe to periodic emails which include all new or revised content and/or comments of specific content types, much like the daily newsletters sent by some websites.

Even if this feature is not configured for normal site users, it can be a useful feature for an administrator of a site to receive notification of new content submissions and comment posts.


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Smileys is a text filter that substitutes ASCII smileys/smilies/emoticons with images.

This is a simple smiley-filter that allows the easy use of graphical smileys (or 'emoticons') on a Drupal site. It comes with a set of example smileys. An unlimited amount of custom smileys can be setup as well.


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This module provides integration with the REST API at

It will use your cron tasks to download tags; each user with the right privilege can have one set of delicious tags and links. The administrator can create blocks that can contain links only from a given set of users, a given set of tags, or a combination of both. If enabled, nodes can be scanned for words which match tags and create smart-links, and if enabled, the first vocabulary term of a node can be added as a tag link using that term the tag.

The new hook allows you to modify the terms or users before the query. So, in the example below, the block is changed so that when on a node page, only delicious tags that match the nodes taxonomy are displayed, and when on search page, only delicious tags that match the current search terms are displayed.

Taxonomy Multi Editor

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A mass category editor.
Allows any nodes shown on admin/content/node to have terms added or removed in bulk, using the normal 'node operations' selector.
Also provides a tab to view/edit all nodes terms individually.

With an image thumbnail, this can also be used for sorting uploaded images into galleries quickly.

Consider this module deprecated in favor of Views Bulk Operations - which offers a more cohesive interface to pretty much the same job
You may also experiment with editview or similar for mass updates.


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Automated testing within Drupal should be done with SimpleTest, and this module has been designed to make testing of Drupal easier for all. Its features are powerful, and create a Drupal-specific testing API which is modeled after the SimpleTest PHP library. It should be noted that as of the 6.x-2.x release of this module, and Drupal 7 core, the aforementioned third-party library is no longer a dependency.

Which version should I use?
If you are just starting to write tests for Drupal 6, you should use the 2.x branch of this module. If you have written tests previously please read the documentation, as some things have changed between versions 1.x and 2.x.

Looking forward
SimpleTest 7.x development has been moved to a new location in core! Any issues related to Drupal HEAD should be filed in the core issue queue, any issues related to tests for 7.x should be filed in their parent module's component.

SimpleTest 7.x-2.x
The branch will contain an up-to-date fork of the Drupal 7 SimpleTest module that will allow for work to continue during the Drupal 7 cylce. An external git repository is being used in order to facility easy merges with Drupal 7 core. CVS will always have the lastest development copy for use. Please see the CHANGELOG for a listing or changes made.

Take a look at Switcheroo so you can switch back and forth between core SimpleTest and SimpleTest 2.x.

The php-curl library is required for SimpleTest to function.

Further reading