Upload path

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After operating for some time, a website may build up thousands of files in inside the files folder.
This uploadpath module allows you to keep the files in the files folder neatly organized in subfolders. It can also allow you to automatically rename uploaded files based on file description or node title.

Creative Commons Lite

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Drupal 7 Beta release created. Please *test* with Drupal 7 first and report back any issues at https://www.drupal.org/node/1950566

See below or at https://www.drupal.org/node/2344299

The Creative Commons Lite module simplifies the functionality creativecommons http://drupal.org/project/creativecommons . This module allows users to add creativecommons license to any type of drupal node. License is shown as block on node view page.


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Docs is a simple document/file manager. It provides a directory browser with integrated file and folder creation.

It's goals are to be simple, sometimes over-simplistic, have dependencies only on core - currently taxonomy and upload.

WebFM Images

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This module is an example of how one can extend WebFM to provide additional functionality: in this case to resize images within the WebFM file browser.
The module also provides a context menu that allows the previewing of images files from within the WebFM browser.

*Note about Drupal 6.x

This module is now distributed as part of WebFM for Drupal 6.x

Embedded Media Field

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Maintainers: aaron (Aaron Winborn) and Alex UA (Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg)

This extensible module will create fields for content types that can be used to display video, image, and audio files from various third party providers. When entering the content, the user will simply paste the URL or embed code from the third party, and the module will automatically determine which content provider is being used. When displaying the content, the proper embedding format will be used.

Private Upload

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Upload files into a private directory. Enhances the core upload module's functionality to support both public and private uploads at the same time.

This module adds a "private" checkbox to the normal upload form. Files marked private will go to a separate directory. Access to files in this directory are controlled as if the entire site had private downloads, which is to say the user must have "view uploaded files" permission, and permission to view the node that the file is attached to.

The Drupal 6 version is now available. Drupal 6 allows the same file to be attached to multiple nodes, and entirely removes the node-level access control for files. This module restores node-level access control, using the rule that a user can see a file marked private, if-and-only-if they have view access to at least one of the nodes that the file is attached to.

Migrating private files from D5 to D6 should happen automatically (fingers crossed).

UpAPI (as in Upload API)

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Provides a form element and other tools to make custom file uploads as easy as possible. These modules are of particular interest to module developers who need to add an upload field to a customized form. If you're not a developer, install this module only if another module requires it.

DataBase File Manager

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DBFM is a file manager based on a hierarchical directory structure and uses AJAX to allow administrators to arrange files in the database in the same way they do with file managers on their personal systems.

DBFM stores its files in a database as opposed to the filesystem. This enables advanced manipulation of the uploaded information. Keywords, notes and other meta-data can be added to uploaded documents, document revision management is now possible. Future revisions of DBFM will include extensive searching of this meta-data.

Upload Permissions Per Content Type

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Allows control over the file upload form per content type, per role. For example, you can turn off file uploads on forum topics for authenticated users, while leaving it enabled for site administrators, while still allowing for all users to upload files to blog entries.

This module brought to you by webchick.