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Cloud (Clanavi) is a set of modules to realize cloud management: Drupal-based Cloud Dashboard like Amazon Management Console, RightScale, ElasticFox, and etc. The module supports not only public cloud like Amazon EC2, Cloudn but also private cloud like OpenStack since the system is highly modularized by Drupal architecture.

The cloud management functionalities include in such as server templates, clusters, monitoring, billing, resource allocation, reliability, scalability and etc.


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A file-based caching mechanism for serving up cached Drupal pages instead of using the database 'cache' table. This approach is generally faster since the web server doesn't need to initialize a database connection and crunch through a bunch of PHP files for an anonymous user hit. This code is in beta quality and shouldn't be used in production.

Block Cache

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This module creates a cached version of each block. Block caching happens separately from page caching and so it will work for logged-in users whether or not page caching is enabled for the site. Cached blocks make just one call to the database and can therefore reduce the overhead required to render blocks that require complex queries and/or calculations such as some Views or Taxonomy-related blocks.


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Boost provides static page caching for Drupal enabling a very significant performance and scalability boost for sites that receive mostly anonymous traffic. For shared hosting this is your best option in terms of improving performance. On dedicated servers, you may want to consider Varnish instead.

Revision Deletion

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This modules enables the ability to mass delete aging node revisions. Possible settings include node type, the age of node revision before being deleted, along with a cron frequency setting. The revisions may be deleted after review on an administer page as well. This module will NEVER delete the current revision of a node, nor will it allow you to do so.

Memcache API and Integration

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This module provides integration between Drupal and Memcached with the following features:

  • An API for using Memcached and the PECL Memcache or Memcached libraries with Drupal.
  • Memcache backends for the following systems (all drop-in):
    • Caching (
    • Locking (
    • Sessions ( (D6 only)
  • A module that provides a comprehensive administrative overview of Drupal's interaction with Memcached and stats.
  • A set of tests that can be run to test your memcache setup.

APC - Alternative PHP Cache

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The Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is a free and open opcode cache for PHP. Its goal is to provide a free, open, and robust framework for caching and optimizing PHP intermediate code. Besides a opcode cache it provides a user cache for storing application data. This module uses the APC user cache as a cache backend for Drupal.

Advanced cache

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The advanced caching module is mostly a set of patches and a supporting module to bring caching to Drupal core in places where it is needed yet currently unavailable. These include caching nodes, comments, taxonomy (terms, trees, vocabularies and terms-per-node), path aliases, and search results.

Coral Defender

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Coral Defender helps save your sever and bandwidth by transparently redirecting users referred from high traffic hosts to the Coral Content Distribution Network copy of your page. This helps save your server from the crushing onslaught by only having to serve a few images/pages to Coral rather than the thousands of individual viewers that were linked from large sites like digg/slashdot/etc. All redirected referring hosts are definable in the admin section.