User Points

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This module provides an API for users to gain or lose points for performing certain actions on your site.

In conjunction with other modules, such as the Userpoints Nodes and Comments users can accumulate points for actions such as posting nodes, commenting or moderation duties.

Use one of the many contributed modules to extend the functionality of the module to include point accumulation on page views or votes, upgrade roles based on point balance, or purchase goods from your store.

This module is useful in providing an incentive for users to participate in the site, and be more active.

Userpoints is included in the Drupal Commons distribution.

Similar Entries

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Similar Entries is looking for a co-maintainer.

Similar Entries provides lists of links to site content related to the current node being viewed. Links can be displayed in standard blocks or as part of custom views. Similar content is located and rated using MySQL's FULLTEXT indexing for MyISAM tables. FULLTEXT is a special query that helps find relevant content in other nodes using a natural language search that interprets the search string as a phrase in natural human language.

Taxonomy Theme

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Taxonomy Theme allows you to change the theme of a given node based on the taxonomy term or vocabulary.

Taxonomy Theme 6.x

Taxonomy Theme 5.x has not beeen ported to Drupal 6.x, as such. For Drupal 6.x ThemeKey offers a much better approach to switching themes using theme switching rules.

Taxonomy Theme 6.x now depends on ThemeKey UI (which is part of ThemeKey) and uses ThemeKey as a back-end to do all the magic. Taxonomy Theme, itself, now simply provides the front-end.

Bounced Email

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Handles email sent by the site which has bounced back.

Component module which provides service to other modules, don't install this unless another module requires it.


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  • Support for multiple email recipients
  • Participation reports
  • Campaign owners can receive email reminders to download their reports
  • Customizable thank you page per user with donation links.

Please try it out and report any issues in the issue tracker.


This module was originally funded by CitizenSpeak and its generous supporters.

Control Panel

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This module adds a new graphical control panel page. It allows the user to specify the menu path to use as the source for the Control Panel. ''admin' is the default but it can be set to any menu item. It also allows the user to specify if they want the Control Panel module to recursively build sub panels for the main Control Panel. These sub panels can be collapsible. The module also has the ability to generate the Control Panel via a block(s).