Import / Export API


Component ID


Component name

Import / Export API

Component type


Maintenance status

Component security advisory coverage




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Component body

The import / export API allows for the definition of data entities within Drupal. The definition system lets data entities be related to each other, and it includes a number of different field types. It also supports a system of import (parsing) and export (rendering) engines, for formats such as XML and CSV. Data entities are able to be exported from, and imported into, a Drupal site, for purposes such as backup, offline editing, data migration, and data transfer between Drupal databases.

This is one of the Google Summer of Code 2006 Drupal projects.


The 6.x port has begun and is a work in progress. You are welcome to test it and open issue reports about this release but since this is an alpha release the status of this file will changed from day to day. Only use this file in your development/testing environments. Do not use this release in your production work.

If you desire to see this module improved please ask Jaza to help maintain it.