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You can read more about the original, and ongoing, inspirations behind this module at Embedding RPGs into Drupal. The original design goals can be summed up as below. Nowadays, there are some deviations from my original posting ("game data files" are still external, but are in a .module's hook and not their own specific .inc, etc.), but the underlying rationale remains the same.

  1. All game data stored in external files.
  2. The default game data files are multi-genre.
  3. An API is created, much like Drupal's NodeAPI.
  4. Races, classes, weapons, armors, items, rooms, quests.
  5. Skills and similar "addons" (magic, psionics, bionics, etc.).
  6. Not real-time (like BBS door game Legend of the Red Dragon).
  7. "Traditional" combat/statistics systems for easy understanding.
  8. Focus on "playable ASAP" as opposed to UltimateDoesEverything!