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The conference module allows you to organize conferences with Drupal.

Similar, active projects

This module is not actively maintained.

People interested in a currently maintained solution with similar features should consider the Conference Organizing Distribution.

Features of conference module

It implements a mechanism to post papers, to manage reviewers and to assign reviewers to papers. A paper is an arbitrary node with an attached file and a review is an arbitrary node assigned to a paper. It also takes care for the access permissions to papers and reviews.

  1. Automatic Content Type generation using CCK
  2. Ability to submit Abstracts via online methods, both by uploading files and by typing in the content as a part of a node
  3. Automated Paper Number generation
  4. Has fields to take in Keywords for a given paper.
  5. Ability to create Revisions of the current paper on Reviewer Request based on Drupal's node revisions.
  6. The Conference Manager can assign papers to reviewers as well as take the final decision on whether a paper is accepted or rejected or request for resubmission
  7. Complete Privacy of Papers / reviewers from various authors and reviewers, only the manager is able to see all reviews and papers in one go.
  8. Automated Mail notifications to Authors, Reviewers and Manager on paper submission, review assignment, review completion, revision completion.
  9. Manager can send bulk mail to reviewers for pending review notification
  10. Assigning multiple reviewers to the same paper
  11. A status page for the Author to see the list of papers submitted as well as the status of paper
  12. Every author can only see his own paper
  13. Every reviewer can only see his own reviews but download the files attached to the papers assigned to him
  14. A manager can see both and create assignments

The conference module does not implement note types for posting papers and reviews. It is designed to cooperate with the content constriction kit or flexinode (cck is suggested). So you can provide a review questionnaire that suit your needs.

There is a user manual for Conference Module

Project history

The original module was sponsored by the university of Duisburg-Essen (Germany). The module was ported to Drupal 6 by Zyxware and the module maintenance (6.x versions onwards) is being currently sponsored by Zyxware Technologies.

We (zyxware) are available for paid customizations of this module. We only request you to allow us to contribute the fixes back to d.o.