CKEditor frame

Component ID


Component name

CKEditor frame

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

About this module

Adds a new button to Drupal 7's CKEditor module which allows the user to create & display framed content.


1. Install & Enable the module
2. Open Administration > Configuration > Content authoring >
Text formats and editors (admin/config/content/formats)
3. Edit a text format's settings (usually Basic HTML)
4. Scroll down to the bottom to "Limit allowed HTML tags" (will only appear if the "Limit allowed HTML tags" filter is enabled)
5. Add <div> with <div class style>
This ensures CKEditor doesn't remove the class name that the framed content uses.
6. Open Administration > Configuration > Content authoring >
CKEditor (admin/config/content/ckeditor)
7. Edit the relevant profile's settings
8. Scroll to "Editor appearance"
9. Under "Plugins" -> Enable "CKEditor Frame - A plugin to easily create framed content"
10. Under "Toolbar" -> Drag n' drop the Add Frame button to the toolbar to show it to the users