Druppio Small Business

Component ID


Component name

Druppio Small Business

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Maintenance status

Development status

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Component body


If you want to try whole experience of Small Business Theme we suggest that you download our distribution (Drupal + Small Business Theme). This way you will get all the demo content and fully working website.



Druppio Small Business is theme for small business, personal portfolio etc.

Our vision was to present clear and simple first impression about business in one image.


Small Business theme is written in SASS, compiled by GULP and use BrowserSync for development environment. For grid system we use susy and breakpoint.
Advance users can use it like this or simply rewrite the CSS files directly. If you are junior user you have a text field in theme admin where you can just add your css styles and it will be applied to theme.

Custom css field in admin

You have detailed description of development environment in readme.txt file.


  • Documentation included
  • Browser compatibility
  • Drupal 8 version
  • Web Technology HTML5/CSS 3
  • Fully responsive
  • Easy setup
  • Distribution download


You can simply download per-configured distribution (with Small Business theme) and everything will be set for you. The whole website with modules, views, blocks, theme and test content.

You can download the distribution here.

Everything you see in demo page on this site, will be seen when you download this distribution 1:1.


If you have any question feel free to contact us.

Studio Present