Foundation Patterns

Component ID


Component name

Foundation Patterns

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

The Foundation Patterns theme is a subtheme of Zurb Foundation intended to implement Foundation components using UI Patterns. The primary purpose of this theme is to provide a way to quickly build sites using common building blocks from the Foundation framework, starting with the marketing building block kit. Secondarily, it is also intended to provide examples of how to take advantage of patterns defined by the UI Patterns module in a Drupal theme. Support for Pattern Libraries including Pattern Lab will also be provided.



After downloading the dependencies above and enabling the 'Foundation Patterns' theme under Appearance, enable at least the following modules:

  • Components
  • UI Patterns

At this point, the patterns defined in this theme will be available for use. To see examples of the available patterns, enable the UI Patterns Library Module. Depending on how you intend to leverage these patterns, you may also want to enable some of the other supporting UI Patterns modules.


The theme exposes patterns that can be configured to be used with any of your existing or newly created content (content types, layouts, paragraphs, etc.)

For pre-packaged configuration including new paragraphs types, install the Foundation Patterns Configuration Module.


Ongoing development for this theme is taking place in the following github repository. Issues and pull requests are managed there. A guide to contributing and a developer sandbox are available as well.