
Component ID


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Component security advisory coverage




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This module is currently unmaintained. The last release was for Drupal 4.4.

The navigation module allows a site administrator to build custom menus. These menus can be displayed in a box like the automatically generated navigation menu, or they can be displayed as CSS tabs.

A menu is comprised of a hierarchy of menu items. It is possible to build a flat or three dimensional menu. Menu items can be linked to arbitrary urls, including both on-site and off-site web pages.

 - Administrative interface shares look and feel of taxonomy
   administrative interface
 - Menus can be three dimensional or flat
 - Menus can be displayed in boxes like the automatically generated
   navigation menu, or as CSS tabs
 - Default navigation.css creates simple tabs that work with all browsers
 - Menu items can link to on-site and off-site content
 - No hard limit to the number of menus that can be built
 - No hard limit on the number of menu items comprising a menu
 - No hard limit to the depth of a given menu
 - Automatically generates block for each menu
 - Can default menu items to be always active (expanded)
 - Supports multiple active menu items
 - Menu permissions, allows administrators to define which user roles
   can view a menu
 - Menu item permissions, allows administrators to define which user
   roles can view a menu item and all its children
 - Menu taxonomy, allows administrator to associate menus and menu items
   with taxonomy vocabularies and terms, making it possible for the
   appropriate menu items to be visible when viewing arbitrary site content.