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Drupal 8

The Drupal 8 version of Workspace depends on Multiversion to create and edit workspaces, switch between workspaces, and view the revision tree of an entity.

A workspace is an isolated collection of content revisions on your site. For example, you might have a "Live" workspace which is what all visitors see when they visit your site. Then you might have a protected "Stage" workspace where content editors prepare new content before it's pushed to the Live workspace.

However, the Workspace module itself doesn't provide any functionality for pushing content between workspaces. See the below list for recommended modules to use for this.

Use with:

  • Deploy to get a simple UI for deploying content between workspaces
  • Workbench Moderation to automatically replicate content from moderated workspaces to it's upstream workspace.
  • RELAXed Web Services to get access and give access to workspaces from and to external Drupal sites.
  • Trash to restore deleted entities
  • Rules to create rules where the action is replicating content to an upstream workspace.

Visit for more information on this suite of modules.


To unistall the module in Drupal 8 use drush wun command.

Drupal 6 & 7

This is a module designed for users to have a central place to view and manage their content. It's a user-centric view of a Drupal site.

Each user has his/her own workspace, which is accessible by following a "My workspace" link in the main site navigation, just like the "My account" link. The workspace interface is tabbed (in the Drupal 6.x version) and shows Content, Comments, and Attachments (attachments are files the user has uploaded with Drupal core's upload module).

The workspace module provides the following four permissions:

  1. Access workspace lets users access their own workspace.
  2. Administer own workspace lets users change the number of items shown per screen.
  3. Administer all workspaces lets users change not only their own, but others' workspace preferences (limited currently to number of items per screen).
  4. View all workspaces lets users view not only their own workspace, but the workspace of others. Permissions should still be in effect; i.e., if a user does not have the privileges to see an unpublished node, he/she will not be able to see it in someone's workspace, either.

In the 6.x version, workspace can also optionally add a "View recent content for this user" link to user profile pages. The title of the link is customizable.