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Setup and display to user toolbar style navigation menu (on top of page by default). A toolbar is set of shortcuts (link items) configured by the site administrator (or users with "administer toolbar" permission).

This module is not a backport of the D7 Toolbar Module, it takes the original idea and implements the shortcut feature. This module has been inspired and takes some ideas from Admin and Admin menu modules.


  • Create and manage toolbars and shortcuts,
  • Set toolbar per role,
  • Set toolbar per user,
  • Show help for the page where the shortcut points (based on path),
  • Users can select toolbar ("select toolbar" permission),
  • Import/Export toolbars.
  • Features package

Do I need this module ?

If you want to setup a simple and user friendly navigation menu with custom links for your site editors, advanced users or contributors you can try this module. This module can also fit for advanced users like site administrators and developers, but this is not its main goal.

For developers

Toolbar module comes with small API to create toolbar, insert shortcuts and assign toolbar to user or role. You can use these functions in your module or installation profile. Check out 'toolbar_create', 'toolbar_set_user_toolbar' and 'toolbar_set_role_toolbar' functions in toolbar.module file.

For theme designers

Toolbar supplies toolbar.tpl.php template file so you can override the default HTML layout. All the styling is done in toolbar.css and sprite.png which includes the toolbar shadows and icons.

Current maintainers