Theme Editor

Component ID


Component name

Theme Editor

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

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Component body

Theme Editor offers an interface for for the editing of theme files within a Drupal site. Some of the features include:

  • Editing of CSS, .info, and Template Files
  • Simple back up and restore functions
  • Adding and deleting of files
  • Fine tuned permissions for different themes and file types
  • And More....

**There is now a semi-working D7 version committed to the Repo. While it's not ready for a dev version yet it can be downloaded via GIT and tested. Any testing or help on development would be much appreciated.**

Theme Editor offers an editing interface for Drupal themes allowing users to edit themes from within Drupal. No more need for server/ftp access!
With a easy to use interface and the ability to create files on the fly, you'll never need to open up an editor on your machine again. Simply edit the theme files from with in Drupal.

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