Email Newsletters


Component ID


Component name

Email Newsletters

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

Publish the content of a website as an email newsletter. Completely Drupal native, with many features.


  • Multiple email newsletters
    set up as many as you need
  • Plain text or HTML email
    Subscriber chooses which to receive
    Default can be set to either format
  • Multiple schedules
    Each newsletter can have more than one schedule, e.g. Daily, Monthly, Quarterly...
  • Include site content
    Restrict to content types (configured accross all newsletters)
    Filter by category terms (configurable on each newsletter)
    Include all new content if no terms are set for a newsletter (option)
  • Subscriber content control
    Subscriber can select which of the newsletter's terms they receive content from
  • Manual or scheduled send out
    Send manually ('Send Now' button), or send every (x) hours, (x) days, or (x) months
  • Personalisation
    Profile info can be added into email
    Token integration
  • Templates
    Templates can use Drupal input formats, e.g. use PHP to create a conditional plain text email
  • Include teaser or full content
    Include content/teaser in newsletter based on length
  • Bounced email handling
    (in development)
  • Email link authentication
    'Read more' links, and account control links, allow users to access the site (based on their role) and their email subscription settings, but without accessing their full site account.
  • Subscription block per newsletter
    Smart subscription blocks that can be customised for anonymous and authenticated users.

Be sure to follow the configuration instructions in the README.txt file.


As this module carries out many tasks, it has been split into several component modules. These component modules are all independent, and can be reused by other modules that require their functionality.

To install eNewsletter module you will also need to install the following modules:

Developed by Robert Castelo for Code Positive - Drupal developer and consultation London, UK .