IP to Country


Component ID


Component name

IP to Country

Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

A simple APIs for retrieving country related information from a given IP address. As well as providing an API that other modules can use for their purpose, ip2cc is also able to hook into nodes and comments to provide additional information about the poster, such as country code, country flag (icon), network name, and autonomous system number. This 'work' uses the IP-to-Country Database provided by WebHosting.Info (http://www.webhosting.info), available from http://ip-to-country.webhosting.info.

Redirecting users based on IP address:
If you are looking to redirect users to a particular site version based on their IP address, you may want to take a look at IP to Locale.


Additional data such as Country name, number and iso2 and iso3 country codes are available if the Countries API module is installed.

As of 6.x-1.2: If you use the IP to Country Node contrib module that is included with this module (to add country flags to nodes and comments), you must download and install the Country Icons module which is now used to provide the flags.


ip2cc is being developed by Tom Kirkpatrick (mrfelton) of SystemSeed. The author may be contacted for paid customisations of this module, Drupal consultation or other Drupal-related projects.

How can you get involved?
* Write a review for this module on drupalmodules.com.
* Report any bugs, feature requests, etc. in the issue tracker.
* Contact the maintainer with any comments, questions, or a quote for custom module customisations.

Additional Information

Other modules offering similar functionality:
* http://drupal.org/project/geoip
* http://drupal.org/project/geouser
* http://drupal.org/project/hostip
* http://drupal.org/project/ip2nation
* http://drupal.org/project/ip2country
* http://drupal.org/project/ip_locator (abandoned)