Categories: (нет)
Downloads: 150
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The path module lets you create custom urls for your Drupal paths.
For example, assume you want to post your resume for potential

Downloads: 2976
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This module is abandoned and has known security problems. If you are interested in a module that provides ads from within your site you should consider the Advertisement module

Downloads: 167
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This module appends related links from the XML-RPC service at to node teasers and/or node bodies (configurable).

Categories: Administration, Content
Maintenance status: Actively maintained
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 822802
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Scheduler gives content editors the ability to schedule nodes to be published and unpublished at specified dates and times in the future.

Maintenance status: Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 10351
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Cloud (Clanavi) is a set of modules to realize cloud management: Drupal-based Cloud Dashboard like Amazon Management Console, RightScale, Elastic

Categories: Filters/Editors
Maintenance status: Actively maintained
Development status: Maintenance fixes only
Downloads: 18169
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This module tidies Drupal's HTML output with HTML Tidy by optionally sanitizing it when it is saved or when it is displayed, lik

Categories: Search, Taxonomy
Maintenance status: Unsupported
Development status: Obsolete
Downloads: 2636
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Provides a "Taxonomy" tab on Drupal's standard search interface. Taxonomy terms, descriptions, and synonyms are indexed and searchable.

Categories: Administration, Content
Downloads: 4296
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Flexinode is a module that allows non-programmers to create new node types (flexible content types) in Drupal. Users can define the fields in the node edit form for their content type, and can either view the nodes as presented by the module or modify the presentation in their theme.

Categories: Content Display, Utility
Maintenance status: Seeking new maintainer
Downloads: 5959
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Pdfview is a module that generates simple PDFs from nodes.

The module is unmantained. Check out the Printer-Friendly Pages module for a better alternative.

Categories: (нет)
Maintenance status: Unsupported
Development status: Obsolete
Downloads: 6604
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This module is abandoned, use CAS instead

Categories: File Management
Development status: Obsolete
Downloads: 1096
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A very simple upload module that allows you to quickly upload files into a sub-directory under files/ directory. It is design using popup windows so you can upload images, files while still writing your entry.

Maintenance status: Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 57341
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Drupal 8 version of this module is in progress.

Categories: (нет)
Maintenance status: Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 120765
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This module enables users to subscribe to be notified of changes to nodes or taxonomies, such as new comments in specific forums, or additions to some category of blog. Once enabled, all nodes will have an additional link that allows the user to change their subscriptions. Users have tab on their user screen to manage their own subscriptions. Users can also set an auto-subscribe function which notifies the user if anyone comments on posts they have made. Admins can turn this on by default.

Subscriptions has its roots in 2003 (node/4189!). At version 5.x-1.x it was in a crisis, due to too many people having pulled in too many directions. In Winter '07 and Spring '08 it was rewritten from the ground up by chx and salvis, and we are maintaining it to this day.

Maintenance status: Unsupported
Development status: Obsolete
Downloads: 651448
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This module allows users with proper permissions to upload images into Drupal. Thumbnails and additional sizes are created automatically.

Images could be posted individually to the front page, included in stories or grouped in galleries.


Image module ships with several add-on modules:

  • Image Gallery: Using taxonomy terms, organize and display your uploaded pictures in galleries (include Views support if you have Views 6.x-2.6 or later).
  • Image Attach: Allows you to easily attach image nodes to other node types.
  • Image Import: Simplify adding multiple images by importing images from a directory on the server.
  • ImageMagick Advanced: Adds advanced ImageMagick options such as image sharpening to the ImageMagick image toolkit. This component is unsupported.
Categories: (нет)
Maintenance status: Unsupported
Development status: Obsolete
Downloads: 146
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A currency converter module. It fetches the rates from,

Categories: E-commerce, RDF
Maintenance status: Actively maintained
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 168298
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Only local images are allowed.Create your own online store!

The most complete e-Commerce solution for Drupal.


Categories: (нет)
Maintenance status: Actively maintained
Development status: Maintenance fixes only
Downloads: 218936
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A module which runs the Drupal cron operation using normal browser/page requests instead of having to set up a crontab to request the cron.php script. The module inserts a small amount of JavaScript on each page of your site that when a certain amount of time has passed since the last cron run, calls an AJAX request to run the cron tasks. Your users should not notice any kind of delay or disruption when viewing your site. However, this approach requires that your site gets regular traffic/visitors in order to trigger the cron request.

Maintenance status: Minimally maintained
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 192938
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Displays your Terms & Conditions to users who want to register, and requires that they accept the T&C before their registration is accepted.

Categories: (нет)
Downloads: 908
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Because this project was unmaintained for a long time, it has been replaced by the Forward module.

Maintenance status: Actively maintained
Development status: Under active development
Downloads: 74893
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This is the Drupal 8 version of Site map.