Subgroups for Organic groups

Component ID


Component name

Subgroups for Organic groups

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body


This module enables a user with the proper permissions to build group hierarchies (or tree) by nesting groups under other groups. Simple or complex group hierarchies can be easily created.

When a hierarchy has been established, user memberships and/or content posted to a group can be propagated up, down or sideways along the tree. So when a user joins a group, their membership can also get created in other parent, child or sibling groups. Separate propagation settings can be applied for content and membership propagation.


Integrates with...

NOTE: For the 2.x version of Organic Groups you should use the 2.x version of OG Subgroups. For the older 1.x Organic Groups use the 1.x of OG Subgroups. Only the later 2.x branch of OG Subgroups is currently being maintained.