Upload previews

Component ID


Component name

Upload previews

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

Adds image preview thumbnails to the file attachment section on node editing pages.

That way, users can see what image they are dealing with instead of guessing it from the file name. To prevent ultra wide tables, a file is now spread over two lines with the first displaying the image and the filename and the second one containing the check boxes for deletion and listing, as well as the file size information.


Drupal 7

From what I understand this module will no longer be needed in Drupal 7. I am tiring to confirm this in testing. Assuming this is true there will not be a new version of the module for Drupal 7.

There is a possible conflict with the following modules.

SWFUpload - http://drupal.org/project/swfupload #189702: Conflict Module: SWFUpload
Upload Image - http://drupal.org/project/upload_image #235377: Possible incompatibility between "Upload Image" and "Upload previews" modules


As with all contributed modules, when considering submitting an issue:

  1. Review the existing issues list. (Don't forget to select "<all>" for the "Status" field.)
  2. Gather all the appropriate information. This may include (but is not limited to):
  • Drupal version.
  • Browser type and version.
  • Database type and version.
  • Error messages, if any.
  • Module settings.
  • Submit the issue. If other modules are involved, you may need to submit the issue to those modules as well.
  • PHP 4 and MySql 4

    Due to end-of-life on PHP4 and MySql4, we no longer actively support either of those products. If a problem arises, we will make an effort to work around it, but will not make a guarantee. Drupal 7 will require PHP 5.2.5 or higher and MySql 5 (or Postgres 8); if your host is not at these levels yet, please encourage them to get there ASAP.


    As with all modules, please make sure you run update.php after updating this module, even if no updates are identified.

    Development version status

    The development versions (-dev) are where the newest stuff is, including any bug fixes and new features. We try to make sure it is tested before we commit anything, but occasionally a bug will get by us. Your help on testing this code is greatly appreciated. The translation templates may not always be up-to-date in the dev releases.

    Current Features being tested in Development

    Update.php required: No

    • TBD
