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Important news from the Community Mapbuilder project is that it has reached the end of its life (see
This module will not be developed further.

The Mapbuilder module integrates the Community Mapbuilder web mapping client with Drupal.

It adds the Mapbuilder context (mapcontext) and configuration (mapconfig) as content types and can produce the corresponding xml output to be used as input to a Mapbuilder client.
A filter is added for showing Mapbuilder clients (i.e. maps) inline.

Most developments are being done on the 5.x version of this module. Differences in functionality between the releases:
* support for xml schema for mapbuilder context: ViewContext or OWSContext
* support for blocks to present an overview map, legend, scalebar, and feature info; these blocks are shown for maps that are specified as e.g. <map config="mapbuilder/config/nid" blocks="overview,scalebar"/>.

At present, PHP 5 is required to use this module. PHP4 support is now experimental in the 5.x version of this module. PHP must support curl and dom/xml functions.