OG User Roles

Component ID


Component name

OG User Roles

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

OG User Roles allows group administrators of organic groups to grant additional user roles to individual members of a certain group.

Any additional permissions only apply within the context of this group and not globally. This means that the additional user roles to grant are determined and assigned by the requested page; e.g. node/123 belongs to group XYZ for which the user was granted additional roles. If the user goes to another page that does not belong to the same group, the additional user roles are no longer assigned.

Additional user roles can only be granted, not revoked.

Site administrators may also configure a default user role for new group members or a default user role for new group admins.




Current maintainers:

This project has been sponsored by:

  • IofC - Initiatives of Change
    Visit http://www.iofc.org for more information.
  • Software Creations
    Visit http://www.scbbs.com for more information.
    Specialized in consulting and development of Drupal powered sites, our services include installation, development, theming, customization, and hosting to get you started. Visit http://www.unleashedmind.com for more information.

Note: Documentation about OG User Roles 1.x - 3.x can be found in the handbooks. The handbook pages only apply to those versions. There are no features beyond basic OGUR functionality in 4.x.