
Component ID


Component name


Component type


Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

This module allows users to write a letter to newspaper editors. It will allow users to enter a zip code and a search radius and will then display a dropdown list of available newspapers and a letter submission form.

This module depends on the Location module to enable zipcode-based searches of available newspapers. Be sure that you have enabled the Location module and installed the zipcode data packaged with it.

There is now a GUI in the letters module for adding/editing/deleting individual newspapers, however you can also do bulk inserts using the following SQL code for each paper.

INSERT INTO letters_newspapers (title,address,city,state,zip,phone,fax,email,homepage,statewide) VALUES ('Example Newspaper','1 Nonexistant St, NW','Washington','DC','20005','202-555-5555','202-555-5555','editor@example.com','http://www.example.com','0');

The last value should be '1' if you want the newspaper to show up in all searches regardless of the zip code (useful for a major regional paper in a smaller or less populous state.

This module will now integrate with CRMAPI.