Block Cache Alter

Component ID


Component name

Block Cache Alter

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body

Alter cache settings per block. Cache settings per block are now set in code, but if you don't like the default - usually none - you can now easily change this. Install this to speed up block rendering for authenticated users.

Alter cache settings per block. Cache settings per block are now set in code,
but if you don't like the default - usually none - you can now easily change this
per block on the block configuration page in a fieldset called 'Cache settings'.
Install this to speed up block rendering for authenticated users.

Block cache is disabled if any module implements node_grants. This however can
be changed in settings.php by setting the variable
'block_cache_bypass_node_grants' to TRUE.

Caution: Only enable this if no block is configured for caching that shows nodes
that need to be access filtered!

The module also comes with a core patch you can apply to the block module
which will make block caching smarter. You'll be able to set expire times
per block. For the advanced expiration features of the Drupal 6 version of
this module, use the contributed 'expire' module instead.

- blockcache_alter_core_patch.patch

1: You can run this module *without* applying a patch, you simply don't get
that much options for refreshing a block.
2: If you apply a patch, the module must be enabled at all times. Running without
the patches gives you the option to turn off the module after you made your changes.