Feature Server (fserver)

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This module allows you to share features and custom modules on your own website. It lets you create projects and releases, and it produces an update XML feed compatible with the update module in core. In a way it's a highly simplified version of the project module.

Hosting Profile Roles

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Hosting Profile Roles extends Aegir to enable more control over what role(s) a client user is assigned during site install. Since, by default, Aegir client's are given UID1 during site installs, this module also allows UID1 to be assigned to another user. This allows tighter control of the client's user experience, and thus support for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) type business models.

Current features

Additions to the front-end:

Domain Menu Access

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Domain Menu Access is an extension to Domain module, allowing administrators to configure visitors' access to selected menu items based on current domain they are viewing.

It lets administrators decide whether a specific menu item should be hidden on selected domains (regardless of it being enabled by default using standard Drupal functionality), or should it be displayed on selected domains even if disabled by default.

Domain Nuke

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Allows administrators to destroy all nodes and users associated with a domain when the domain is deleted (via Domain Access).

Warning: This has had minimal testing and could delete far more than you bargained for. Make sure you backup your database before hand.


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Let's say that you want to deploy content from your staging site to production, or more generally, from one site to another (or multiple) sites. You could use Deployment, but what if you prefer a pull model over a push model? Then Syndeploy is for you. Changes are published via a feed, and then other sites can slurp them in. The slurping portion is to be handled by a corresponding Feeds processor plug-in.


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DSLM - Drush Symlink Manager

DSLM is a set of Drush commands for managing symlinking Drupal 7 (and in the future D8, Wordpress, and Backdrop) sites back to central cores, installation profiles, plugins, and packages. It's a better way to handle the concept of multisite Drupal installs. With DSLM, users can manage many sites under one shared codebase achieving the same APC level caching benefits of multisite, but with better security and features like rolling updates.
