Drush Vagrant Integration

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Vagrant gives you the tools to build unique development environments for each project once and then easily tear them down and rebuild them only when they’re needed so you can save time and frustration.

Drush Vagrant Integration provides Drush commands to accomplish common Vagrant tasks, and provides a powerful templating framework ('blueprints'). It also has tools to implement Drush aliases for Vagrant projects and VMs, thus allowing simpler remote control of Vagrant projects.

Domain Login

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Domain login solves the problem of cross-domain logging in without enabling the $cookie_domain variable by providing an additional domain field on the user login forms for the main site.

Rather than enabling the $cookie_domain variable in your settings.php file thus allowing users to login to every subdomain of a site, Domain Login will force them to specify which subdomain they want to login to by altering Drupals core login form to include an additional "domain" field at the top.

Spaces Extra

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Under development. Initially I have some ctools access handlers for spaces. These allow spaces access control on panels in the same way you are able to configure spaces access in views.

Conceptually this module will serve as a container for multiple spaces tweaks and enhancements. Many of its contents should be seen as suggestions for spaces core, but it should have a shorter release cycle allowing for more experimentation.

Domain Menu Block

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Provides a Menu Block that can be registered across every active Domain on an installation.

Requires Domain Access 7.x-3.0 or higher.

The module will create a new menu for each registered domain and allow you to define a common menu block that can be used once in the theme layer. The contents of this block are then dynamically generated based on the current domain.

Aegir-up (Vagrant-based Aegir virtual machine)

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Aegir-up provides a collaborative, distributed development environment, that encourages the use of Drupal best-practices. It deploys the Aegir Hosting System in a local virtual environment for development and testing. It provides all the ease-of-use of Aegir, wrapped in the convenience of Vagrant-based virtual machines. Creating sites and platforms is a matter of a click or two, while rebuilding the entire environment is a matter of minutes.