Service links

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Service Links facilitates the adding of social networks links or javascript buttons within the content with a special focus on developers and themers interested to extend their number or customize their displaying. Built on Drupal for Drupal doesn't include commercial advertising or spying hidden code and doesn't require third part libraries.

The services included are various:, Digg, Facebook/Facebook Share/Facebook Like, Furl, Google Bookmark/Google Plus One, IceRocket, LinkedIn/Linkedin button counter, MySpace, Newsvine, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Technorati, Twitter/Twitter widget, Yahoo Bookmark, and many more, they are split for language in different packages: basque, dutch, farsi, german, hungarian, italian, polish, russian, spanish, swedish.

Other services are availables to be included within an extra module which can be built easily through a web interface.


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ProfilePlus adds the ability to search user profiles to the standard Drupal search form. This module allows you to search all public fields in a user's profile. This includes the default fields created by Drupal e.g. username, and any custom fields you might create with the Profile module.

7.x-1.2 Stable release is available now

The 7.x-1.2 version of ProfilePlus is similar to 6.x-1.2 which provides only simple search functionality which uses a single field to search username and public profile fields for any term submitted in the search field.

New features in 6.x-2.0-beta2 release

The 6.x-2.0-beta2 version of ProfilePlus provides advanced profile search in addition to regular profile search with admin control over which public profile fields are included and searchable in the advanced search form.

Chinese Word Splitter(中文分词)

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Support _search_preprocess interface. This module split chinese word with space. So it make search module to add correct chinese word into index table. You need re-index your site after active this module.
Module works with a user-defined dictionary. So in fact it can support split other languages.
The dictionary have recreated with B-tree index. So if you use this module with indexed dictionary, it will 10 times faster than ever and take only a little memory.
Now there are two match arithmetic in module.


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#D7CX pledge upheld: Zeitgeist received a full Drupal 7 release on the day that Drupal 7 was released.


This is a module implementing history functions for search. It includes configurable "Latest" and "Top" search blocks and page reports over calendar date ranges, and its API provides frequency reporting on searches over various calendar-based time periods e.g., "last quarter" instead of "the last 90 days".


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This module implements the Porter stemming algorithm to improve English-language searching with the Drupal built-in Search module.

The process of stemming reduces each word in the search index to its basic root or stem (e.g. 'blogging' to 'blog') so that variations on a word ('blogs', 'blogger', 'blogging', 'blog') are considered equivalent when searching. This generally results in more relevant search results.

Z39.50/SRU Client

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Search the world's libraries and GIS metadata clearinghouses!

This module implements the Z39.50 and SRU protocols for Information Retrieval using the PHP bindings for the YAZ toolkit. With this module you can easily search or scan Z39.50 or SRU servers in parallel using the standard Drupal search API and present the results.


Related modules: biblio, marc

Search configuration

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This module has five main functions.

  1. Alter the appearance of the core node search form
  2. Group content types for more meaningful searching
  3. Restrict search results by the content type.
    This is a role based restriction.
  4. Restrict search results from showing individual items.
  5. Alter the pager limit (aka number search item results per page).

Admin user (uid 1) is exempt from restrictions.