footermap: a footer site map

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Footermap is a dynamic site map generator for Drupal that allows a site builder to place a "footer" site map block into any region. This provides an out-of-the-box menu display similar to the majority of web sites that have a footer-based site map.

It is highly-configurable, supports translation and caching using core functionality, and allows for changes to CSS and markup compared to the more traditional theme layer-based implementations such as seen in Bartik in Drupal 7 (comparison right).

Menu Page

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turns a menu item to a page which can display links to sub-items and nodes which are added to the tree. If the views is installed then a view can be used instead.

Jump menu

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This module provides a block for each menu in the system that provides a "jump menu". A jump menu is a select box of a menu from which users can select any menu item to be redirected straight to that page.

Note: The 6.x branch of Jump includes the same functionality as this module. This module will therefore not be ported to Drupal 6.

Vocabulary Index

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Vocabulary Index provides an easy way to create a taxonomy browser / directory index. You can choose for which vocabularies to create pages or blocks where the terms within that vocabulary are listed. With just a few clicks you're done. Listing is possible in different kind of views depending on your needs:

Example screenshot of a tree view. The tree view displays all terms in a nested tree. If visitors of your site have JavaScript enabled, parent terms will be collapsed by default, but they will expand when clicked on. Since tree view displays all terms on a single page, terms with multiple parents are displayed more than once: once beneath every parent.
Example screenshot of a browsable view. The browsable view lets visitors browse a vocabulary much like they would browse through directories on their hard drive. Taxonomy pages of parent terms do not list the nodes within those terms, but the child terms it contains. Since blocks cannot span multiple pages, they can be displayed using a flat view. This is exactly the same as the browsable view apart from that it is not browsable. Browsable index pages are pageable.
Example screenshot of an alphabetical view. The alphabetical view sorts terms by first letter. Optionally character transliteration may be enabled. Alphabetically viewed index pages are pageable.

Nice Primary Menus

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This module extends the Primary menus with an additional level of secondary nice menus that hide/show on hover via jquery. Some theming is required to enable it. This module requires Nice Menus.

An option is added to the admin/content/menu interface for selecting which nice menu to display. This option is only added to the children of the primary menu.

NOTE: To use this module, you must do some theming.

Replace the theme('menu_links') with theme('nice_menu_links'),


Node Hierarchy

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Node Hierarchy allows nodes to be children of other nodes creating a tree-like hierarchy of content. The module offers:

  • 1-Click creation of hierarchical menus
  • Hierarchical breadcrumbs
  • Automatic hierarchical urls using Pathauto (and token module)
    (eg: q=aboutus/history/beginning).
  • Automatic creation of hierarchical menus if desired.
  • Optional Views integration.
  • Optional Node Access integration.

Relevant Content

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What is it?

This module provides two ways of referencing relevant content. Both of these methods provide configuration to filter for specific content types and vocabularies, limit the maximum size of the result and provide some header text. The result on both cases are a list of nodes which the module considers most relevant based on the categorization of the current page. This is achieved by finding other nodes which are of one of the allowed types and have the most number of terms in common. The two methods are:

This module will provide as many customisable blocks as a site administrator wants. Each block has its own settings for node type, vocabulary, maximum result size and otional header text. Blocks can appear on any page which causes terms to be loaded into Relevant Content. Usually this is any page which views a node (a node page or a view such as a taxonomy term list). Usually you only want a block to appear on a node page, however you may find situation where you want to place a block on a non-node page.
CCK (new)
The new CCK Field Type (available in both 1.3 releases for Drupal 5 & 6). This is a read-only field (much like Node Referrer) which allows the administrator to embed a field that is "display only" (ie, nothing appears on individual node edit forms). This field is configured in the same way the blocks are configured; node type & vocabulary filtering, maximum result size limit and header text. The advantage of the CCK method is the result set is more "embedded" within the content.