Toggle Editable fields

Component ID


Component name

Toggle Editable fields

Component type


Maintenance status

Development status

Component security advisory coverage




Component created

Component changed

Component body


Toggle Editable fields is a formatter to transform "classic" boolean field formatter to toggle editable field directly on 'view' display or on views lists.


Drupal 8.
Bootstrap Toggle Plugin

How to install

  1. Download this module
  2. Download Bootstrap Toggle Plugin and place it in the libraries folder (named `bootstrap-toggle`) or use bower if you are composer user.
  3. Install `toggle_editable_fields` the usual way.
  4. Create a boolean field
  5. On display choose `Toggle Editable Formatter` formatter and configure settings as you want.

You can now switch the state of your field in every place (view/entity view etc...)

Known problems

Views Bulk Operations

This module isn't compatible with views using `Bulk operation` views plugin because it define another form with similar form ID in same page. That's a limitation of AjaxResponse and Form API and drupal only supports one form with a given ID per page.

Video demo



#D8AX - I pledge to make this module as accessible as it can be. If you find any flaws, please submit an issue. Help me fix them if you can.


We are available on #drupal-contribute IRC channel on Freenode. Maintainers are available for commercial support, coaching, custom development, ...


Special Thanks to Neolynk for sponsoring & support.