Live Search

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Live Search aims to provide Drupal's search module a live search functionality through Ajax and to degrade gracefully to a normal search box when the user has JavaScript turned off. It has the following features:

  • Choice between theme-provided or module-provided search box. Live Search builds upon an existing search box. Most themes provide their own search box, and the search module itself also provides a search block. You can choose which search box to enable live search functionality on.
  • Compact search box. This enables the search box to behave in a more Apple style, such as the lack of the "Search" button, with the "Search" phrase embedded in the text field itself.
  • Ajax request firing delay. To save bandwith and ease server loads, an Ajax search request is fired, by default, after the user stops typing the keyword for 1250 milliseconds.
  • Snippet and node info hiding. To save screen real estate, you can opt to hide the snippets (excerpts), the node info (showing various information such as node type, author, and date), or both.

Live Search fully utilizes Drupal's built-in jQuery JavaScript library.

Service links

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Service Links facilitates the adding of social networks links or javascript buttons within the content with a special focus on developers and themers interested to extend their number or customize their displaying. Built on Drupal for Drupal doesn't include commercial advertising or spying hidden code and doesn't require third part libraries.

The services included are various:, Digg, Facebook/Facebook Share/Facebook Like, Furl, Google Bookmark/Google Plus One, IceRocket, LinkedIn/Linkedin button counter, MySpace, Newsvine, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Technorati, Twitter/Twitter widget, Yahoo Bookmark, and many more, they are split for language in different packages: basque, dutch, farsi, german, hungarian, italian, polish, russian, spanish, swedish.

Other services are availables to be included within an extra module which can be built easily through a web interface.


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The JSnippets module can be used to insert code snippets, general text templates and so on into specified Drupal textareas. Snippets can be related to textareas in forms, using the element ID of the textarea and the form ID of the form. These can be obtained by way of the JSnippets section button which should be visible above all textareas for users with the 'administer jsnippets' permission. Only users with the 'use jsnippets' permission are allowed access to the snippets.

Vietnamese Typing

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This module allows users to type Vietnamese characters while creating or editing Drupal nodes or setting the site name or menu names or taxonomy names, etc. The module creates a block, in which there are options of several Vietnamese input method. This block should be automatically turned on. It is set by default to appear only in the editing mode, i.e. when you add a node, edit a node, or edit something in admin panel. To modify this configuration, go to admin/block and change the block's configuration.

Technorati Link Count Widget

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tlc.module is discontinued and will no longer be supported. Use blog reactions instead.

If you want to take over this project write me a e-mail.

The TLC module produces a count of the incoming links from blogs indexed by Technorati and links to a search results page where users can see the individual posts linking to a node.

Features on Drupal5.x version:


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This module provides an extension to the builtin checkboxes element that allows developers add "check all" / "toggle" / "uncheck all" actions to them. This is specially useful for checkboxes that have a lot of elements.

Please note that Drupal 6 already has this feature available, but only for checkboxes rendered in tables, such as those used in Administration -> Content management -> Content. Checkboxes rendered elsewhere do not have this feature.

You may need to install this module when required/recommended by another contributed module, and/or you may wish to use it to enhance your own custom modules.

  • For Site Administrators - New option for checkboxes implemented by CCK Widgets

    If you use checkboxes implemented by CCK optionwidgets, node reference, user reference or content taxonomy options, then a new option in the field settings form is available to enable the Checkall feature for those widgets.

  • For Developers - Simple Usage

    To attach the checkall behavior to checkboxes elements, all you need to do is add the '#checkall' property to them. You can do so for your own forms, or you can implement hook_alter_form() to add this property to existing forms. Example:

    $form['foobar'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#options' => $options,
      '#default_value' => $default_value,
      '#checkall' => TRUE,  // <--- this is it ;-)

widgEditor - A WYSIWYG editor

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widgEditor is an easily installed, easily customizable WYSIWYG editor for simple content. It replaces node, comment and other specified textareas with an improved editing pane using JavaScript, therefore if you don't have JavaScript (or your browser doesn't support HTML editing) it degrades gracefully.


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Introduces live previews and other interactive features into a Drupal site, using Ajax(from jQuery). Uses secure methods for implementations e.g. Input formats check, etc.. Currently only the following features are included:

  • Comment preview.
  • Node preview (Drupal 6 only).

Node previews now possible too! Previews of default setup of content types are fully possible. Note that it has only been tested with Page and Story content types, and hence currently supported with. CCK support not included. For full support for your custom content types, or some complex validation you might want to hack into and the companion JS file.

If you have any concerns about it, feel free to contact me!