URL list


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URL list

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Creates a list of node URLs at /q=urllist.txt or (/urllist.txt for clean URLs) for submitting to search engines like Yahoo! Site Explorer.

urllist.txt is listed as a valid feed for submitting all your site's URLs through your collection of "My Sites" at Yahoo!. Yahoo has some history of buggy anonymous submission, so you often have to be logged in to your Yahoo! account to submit your site to their Site Explorer service. As of version 5.x-2.0, URL list supports automatic update submission through the Yahoo Update Notification service.

Though Google will download urllist.txt too, it's better to use the XML Sitemap module to utilize Google Sitemaps.

The sitemaps protocol makes the original intention of this module obsolete, but it might serve as a lightweight alternative to other types of sitemaps for crawlers.