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The Exif module allows you to display Exif metadata on image nodes. Exif is a specification for the image file format used by digital cameras.

Roadmap (order by priority) for drupal 7 & 8 versions:

  • Work in Progress (current development in 1.x-dev versions):
  • Followed by :
    • integrate with core/imagecache to rotate image from exif data if desired
    • exif_location adaptation to drupal 7 and 8
    • add support to Views Bulk Operations (VBO)
    • update metadata field of image in file (see #766322: Write and Edit EXIF/IPTC)
    • migration tool from php extension field names to exiftool field name


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This module allows uploaded files to be viewed online.

A list of file extensions can be specified and for each file extension a renderer. In conjunction with the upload module, the links in the attachement table can be replaced by links to view the files online.

There are three renderers: using a 'pre' tag, using an 'img' tag and using a Drupal Input format. With the input format renderer, one can for example highlight source code files using any code filter supported by Drupal.

Media Field

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OUTDATED MODULE: This is a bundle of two modules audiofield.module and videofield.module which are CCK fields for storing audio and video files. They are similar to filefield.module and imagefield.module fields.
Both fields depend on multimediafile.inc which implements common functions and can be used in the future for all other file CCK fields.


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Transformer is a file manipulation plug-in interface. It allow you to write custom plugins that can act on different file types. It provides a macro building interface to chain sets of plugins together and execute them against files.

'Better Description Coming Soon' (tm)

Web File Manager

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The WebFM module presents a paradigm shift in file management for Drupal. This file manager is based on a hierarchical directory structure unlike the traditional flat filesystem used to date. WebFM uses AJAX to allow administrators to arrange files on the server in the same way they do with file managers on their personal systems. This ability to hierarchically arrange files improves the manageability of large collections of documents.


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FlashVideo is a complete turn-key video solution that expands Drupal's upload capabilities to allow web developers and users to upload video files, automatically convert those videos to the popular Flash format, and then embed their video in any node type using the simple [video] tag. This module allows more than one video to be attached to any node, and then referenced through the use of parameters passed to the tag [video]. It also includes an automatic conversion of video files to the Flash format using FFMPEG technology.

Audit Files

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Audit files is designed to perform audits of your upload directory and the corresponding database records. It will cross check that all files in the database have a corresponding physical file, or it will check that all files in the upload directory have a corresponding entry in the database.

This module can be helpful in identifying orphan files that have not been deleted when their corresponding node was removed.

The module has configurable options to ignore specified files and/or directories.