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Arcade module was written to implement pnFlashGames with Drupal, however, it is really a generic framework that allows any content to be treated abstractly as a 'game' and provides a gateway for 'games' to store scores and game data with Drupal. It also provides blocks for displaying score information.


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The NikePlus module allows you to sync up your run data from the website. Currently, the module provides a block that displays a summary of your runs, as well as view that provides two displays: a page view that lists out your individual runs and a block view that displays the info from your most recent run.

This module requires Views.

Game Utility Calendar

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This module, still in development, will be a gaming utility that will offer in-game calendars, particularly suitable for RPG's, easily handling dates from medieval times to the distant future. It will depend on both the Game Clock and Date API modules.

Game Utility Clock

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Game clocks may be used for various purposes, such as keeping an in-game calendar, tracking game effects and events, and limiting characters to acting at a slower pace suitable for a web-based game.

You may view all active game clocks from the Game Clock administration page, as well as create new clocks there. Additionally, you can create new game clocks programmatically with the API provided with the Game Clock module.

To do so, you would create a game clock array as follows:


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Plays the game 'Breakout' where you play against the computer. The breakout images and background can be themed to your site. The game is javascript (original javascript script by Alexis "Fyrd" Deveria) based and is a block. The user who gets the highest score has his name saved. The game win messages are configurable in the configuration settings. Also the URL of the picture and the size of the breakout box and initial ball speed can be set in the configuration settings.


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Plays the classic game 'Space Invaders' where you play against the computer. The invader images and background can be themed to your site. The game is javascript (original javascript script by Tony Goacher) based and is a block. The user who gets the highest score has his name saved. The game win messages are configurable in the configuration settings. Also the URL of the picture and the size of the invaders box, key strokes and invader ship speeds can be set in the configuration settings.


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Plays the game 'Tetris'. The tetris images and background can be themed to your site. The game is javascript (original javascript script by Joan Alba Maldonado) based and is a block. The user who gets the highest score has his name saved. The game win messages are configurable in the configuration settings. Also the URL of the blocks and the size of the block, key strokes and game speed can be set in the configuration settings. By default you use the keyboard but you can change to a mouse in configuration.