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This module provides a base for creating an online role-playing game, at its basic similar in nature to Lord of the Red Dragon or Urban Dead, but as development progresses, able to handle increasingly complex games including graphics and jquery. Being integrated with Drupal, it will allow administrators to fully utilize other features of Drupal, integrating forums, organic groups, and more with the RPG.

NOTE: This engine is still in development. Not only does it not do anything at the moment (besides the admin screens), it is likely to change drastically as time goes on.


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Answers enables the implementation of a Question & Answer system in a Drupal site. Users can post questions and other users can answer them. To see it at work (based on the most recent 7.x-4.x-dev version), head over to its Demo site and have a look at the Questions there.


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A tribune is a type of chatroom. It does not require any external service like IRC or plugins like Java or Flash-based chats, and also works without Javascript (although Javascript greatly enhances the experience).

The module has a notion of threads based on timestamps: typically, a user clicks on the timestamp at the left of the message they want to answer before typing their message. When the message is displayed, hovering the mouse over timestamps highlights the corresponding references and answers, even for old messages that are not displayed anymore.


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A collection of functionality to track golf scores for users. I would like to develop this module to include score tracking for each user and golf course information which can be shared throughout the user base.

We have a lab site up where we are discussing our goals, sharing our ideas, and testing the module:


Please send me an email if you would like to help in development of this module at nickgs1@gmail.com

5 Second Game

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The engine for 5 Second Game is built on a Rock-Scissors-Paper concept. There are three stats, corresponding to that, and everything modifies that: character classes, skills, combat, etc. It is meant to be a fast paced, easy to grasp, infinitely extensible game.

The game is designed to be fit into an embeddable widget, so that users may post the game in a blog or other page, allowing others to quickly and easily play the game. A widget may highlight that user's character, challenging all takers.

The game lends itself well to guilds and the like as well, which are also built into the system. Characters may belong to one or more guilds, which govern themselves as desired by their players. The system honors the guilds' wishes, so that characters belonging to a specific user-formed guild might gain certain bonuses (or suffer penalties) according to the guild charters.

Additionally, servers may choose to allow characters to migrate between certain other servers. The character may be "translated" during migration, so that world/genre integrity is maintained (if desired). However, the simplicity of the system lends itself easily to that, if an administrator doesn't mind a gun-toting sheriff to arrive at the scene of a medieval tournament, or conversely if the player of a high elf wizard doesn't mind being translated to a nanobotic engineer on a space station.

You can play the game at http://5secondgame.com to see it in action (once it's built...)

Connect IV Game

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Plays the game 'Connect Four' where you play against the computer. The aim of the game is to get four pieces in a row either diagonally or horizontally. The tiles can be images (or colored tiles) that can be themed to your site. The game is javascript (original javascript script by Joan Alba Maldonado) based and is a block. The user who beats the computer the fastest has his name saved. The game win messages are configurable in the configuration settings. Also the URL of the picture and the size of the board can be set in the configuration settings.

Pong Game

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Plays the game 'Pong' where you play against the computer. For those who haven't played it Pong is like ping pong where you try to get the ball past the computer. The player and computer paddles and ball can be images (or colored blocks) that can be themed to your site. The game is javascript (original javascript script by Joan Alba Maldonado) based and is a block. The user who gets the highest score has his name saved. The game win messages are configurable in the configuration settings. Also the URL of the picture and the size of the board can be set in the configuration settings.