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Uses the Google reCAPTCHA web service to improve the CAPTCHA system. It is tough on bots and easy on humans.

reCAPTCHA is built for security. Armed with state of the art technology, it always stays at the forefront of spam and abuse fighting trends. reCAPTCHA is on guard for you, so you can rest easy.


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The CAPTCHA Pack module contains several CAPTCHA types for use with the CAPTCHA module. The CAPTCHA Pack module is meant to provide lightweight, yet effective alternatives for the traditional image CAPTCHA, which is undesirable in certain situation (e.g. bandwidth restrictions, cpu restrictions, accessibility constraints, etc).

Gotcha - Contact Spam Catcher

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Gotcha is sort of a take off on "captcha." The idea was first mentioned on as a possible way to trick spam bots who try to use the Drupal contact form. I don't particulary like the extra step humans are required to perform in these "verification" methods, and some just don't work.

The idea is simple: Basically you place a bogus input field on a contact form, and use CSS to not display it. On submission you check for a value. If there is a value entered, then that means a non-human has been blanketing form fields, and the form post can be ignored as spam. The spam bot will probably never know.

Gotcha adds a field labeled "Subject" at the top of the contact form. It uses a "div" tag to render the field as "display: none" so human users shouldn't see it, and won't enter any data there. Hopefully, the suspected spam bot will see "Subject" and be enticed to enter something there. There is descriptive text to encourage a human (whose browser might be set to display it anyway) to ignore this field.

Gotcha intercepts the contact form submission and checks the hidden field. If something is there, Gotcha simply returns to the front page and ignores the message. The attempt is logged, along with the submitter's IP address, and the suspect message is saved in the database. If the field is empty, then the message is passed on through to the contact module for normal processing.

Unfortunately, most of the spam was still getting through. And most of that was a bunch of links to drugs or porn. From exerience, I knew that the Spam module was already good at dealing with this in comments. After browsing that module, I found that I could "hook" into its filters and use them to identify spam.

All of my spam emails stopped immediately!


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As of 2 April 2018, Acquia will no longer support or maintain the Mollom product. Read more:

Mollom is an intelligent content moderation web service. By monitoring content activity on all sites in the Mollom network, Mollom is in a unique position to determine if a post is potentially spam; not only based on the posted content, but also on the past activity and reputation of the poster. In short, Mollom handles incoming posts intelligently, in much the same way a human moderator decides what posts are acceptable. Therefore, Mollom enables you to allow anonymous users to post comments and other content on your site.


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Hashcash is a module which implements the Hashcash algorithm to help protect sites from spam. This module is similar to the popular wordpress plugin wp-hashcash.

Administrators are able to specify which roles need to pass a Hashcash check, and also which forms should have the hashcash check inserted into them

This module works with aggressive caching mechanisms employed by modules like Boost.

Anonymous publishing

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Anonymous publishing increases your control over anonymous publishing on a site.

  • Anonymous publishing (posting without first having to register) may lower the threshold for authorship and entry to a site.
  • It may also be an requirement for certain sites that deal with sensitive issues that anonymous publishing is allowed.

Its intended audience are site developers and administrators that want to lower the threshold for participation, enhance privacy, or both.

Flag Abuse

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The 6.x version of this module provides default abuse flags for nodes, comments and users and gives an administrative interface for reviewing and resetting said flags.

In the 7.x version of this module users can select any type of flag as an abuse flag, in addition it now uses whitelist flags for resetting abuse flags.

Per-node Comment Moderation

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The Per-node Comment Moderation module allows administrators to enable comment moderation on individual nodes.

This module was written to block spam left by humans on pages with a high PageRank, but it can also be used to reduce the amount of low-quality comments on popular pages while still allowing unmoderated comments on all other pages.

Drupal 7

The module uses Flag to toggle for each node. Only node types that have this flag active will be affected (otherwise, global permissions will dictate comment status).



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The purpose of Spamicide is to prevent spam submission to any form on your Drupal web site. Spamicide adds an input field to each form then hides it with css, when spam bots fill in the field the form is discarded. The field, and matching .css file, are named in such a way as to not let on that it is a spam defeating device, and can be set by admins to almost anything they like(machine readable please). If logging is set, the log will show if and when a particular form has been compromised, and the admin can change the form's field name (and corresponding .css file) to something else.