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This module provide single sign-on capability for your Drupal site by implementing the CAS protocol. CAS has quickly become the most popular single sign-on solution for universities. In its most simple use (CAS can also proxy single sign-on), a CAS server authenticates users and sends the user to the requested application (your Drupal site) with a special ticket.


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Development is being sponsored by Babson College.

This module integrates your Drupal installation with any XMPP (Jabber) account. User's email addresses are associated with their xmpp (jabber) jids (their chat handles). The module creates a roster from your current jabber roster for the account you login with and also constructs a roster based on organic group membership for the groups you are a part of.

Password Policy

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This module provides a way to enforce restrictions on user passwords by defining password policies.


A password policy can be defined with a set of constraints which must be met before a user password change will be accepted. Each constraint has a parameter allowing for the minimum number of valid conditions which must be met before the constraint is satisfied.


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Nodeaccess is a Drupal access control module which provides view, edit and delete access to nodes. Users with the 'grant node permissions' permission will have a grant tab on node pages which allows them to grant access to that node by user or role. Administrators can set default access controls per content type, and also define which roles are available to grant permissions to on the node grants tab.

User Autorole

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The user_autorole module allows the administrator to specify additional roles to be automatically assigned to new users upon registration.


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The ACL module, short for Access Control Lists, is an API for other modules to create lists of users and give them access to nodes. It has no UI of its own and will not do anything by itself; install this module only if some other module tells you to.

We're aware of the following modules using ACL (let us know if you know of others):

CiviCRM Active User

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CiviCRM Active User is a simple module that adds a user to a CiviCRM group upon Drupal login.

This was originally developed primarily to support a double opt-in check when using CiviMail. Not only must the user sign up for a CiviCRM group, they must use their Drupal login by signing in at least once.

In 6.x, now that double opt-in is a default CiviCRM feature, this module would be more useful if they were a way to segment the users into groups by user role. A patch is welcome for this, see #155824: Assign Drupal users to different CiviCRM groups based on current Drupal user role(s).

Persistent Login

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The Persistent Login module provides a "Remember Me" option on the user login form. Persistent Login is independent of the PHP session settings and is more secure (and user-friendly) than simply setting a long PHP session lifetime.

The 7.x version provides additional security by attempting to detect unauthorized re-use of tokens. For a detailed discussion of the design and security of Persistent Login, see Improved Persistent Login Cookie Best Practice.