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The copyright management module can set and display a copyright/license for a Drupal site and for any node. Licenses can be chosen from a built-in list or those added by admins. It handles URLs to the full text of the license and an associated image. Notices can be displayed in a block or site footer. Book pages can optionally set a license for all children, allowing each book or section to have its own license.

LDAP integration

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The current LDAP_Integration releases actually contains 5 modules:

  1. ldapauth - allows users to authenticate against multiple LDAP or AD servers.
  2. ldapgroups - use LDAP groups as Drupal roles
  3. ldapdata - provides read or read/write access to LDAP data from within Drupal
  4. ldapsync - Allows manual or cron based bulk import/update of LDAP users into the Drupal user database
  5. ldaphelp - to help with the other 4

Releases as of 6/28/2012

  • 6.x-1.x-dev is the development version and should have the most recent patches. The current goal is to let the new beta3 gather enough site usage to validate it / fix bug related to this, and issue a V1.0.
  • 6.x-1.0-beta3 is the most recent formal release
  • LDAP Project is the Drupal 7 version of ldap integration
  • Version 5 and 4.7 are no longer supported.

Documentation writers for the beta3 changes are needed!

Taxonomy hide

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This module allows to setup a list of vocabularies whose terms will not be listed during node view.

Optionally, when a node is displayed, this module can also group its list of terms by vocabulary, rather than just listing the terms in the plain alphabetical order normally provided by Drupal.

Amazon associate tools

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Note: This module will not be upgraded past Drupal 5. For Drupal 6 and above, see Amazon module, which will come bundled with an aat_legacy.module. Update 5.16 will be the last version to be released to cover 5.x! If you care to further improve this module you may request to take over the project.

Amazon associate tools module uses Amazon's ECS4 REST interface. It is compatible with Drupal version 4.7 (5.x for full capabilities) under both PHP versions 4 and 5.

Admin block

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The adminblock module enables admins to display a block with the comments approval queue and the node moderation queue. Each item gets their own edit link and delete link for quick administration.

Taxonomy Similar

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taxonomy_similar will display a "similar tags" screen anytime content has been created or updated with tags from a "Free tagging" vocabulary. This module requires no configuration. Install it, enable it, and create or edit content that has a "Free tagging" vocabulary assigned to it. The "similar tags" screen is entirely optional to the content creator - by the time it appears, the new or edited content has already been saved to the database. The content creator can edit his tags, or simply move on.

Node Type Filter

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The Node_type_filter lets you filter node listing pages simply by adding &type=story,blog to the URL (for example). So now you can show specific feeds, or a "blog+story" tracker page (i.e. recent posts). Also works great for "taxonomy/term" pages.

BBCode Formatting Bar

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A module that gives users a formatting bar that inserts BBCode into posts using Javascript. Works on IE and Firefox.

5.x-2.x-dev now ready for testing
The 5.x-2.x-dev branch is now ready for testing. If you'd like to help out, please download it, try it out, and report any bugs you find back here.