OG Author

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This module adds a new select field with in the node add form of post of a group to set the group which is authoring it.

Use case: lets say a user is adding a news post with an audience of three different groups to which he is subscribed to. That post will be indeed posted in those three different groups but nobody would know which one of those groups is actually originating it, this is, authoring it. With this module, the author of the post can set, during the creation of the post, the groups which is authoring the post.

OG Public Access

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The OG Public Access module allows Organic Groups (OG) administrators to control public access to their groups' content. This module does not require group administrators to be granted the site-wide administer nodes permission.

The use case for this module is for a site with teams of writers submitting content privately in their groups, and editors controlling what is allowed to go public in specific groups.

Content Type Administration by Organic Group

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Since the permission system only lets the admin allow/disallow creation of content types and can't specify WHERE they can be used, this module tries to solve that problem. This module allows the admin to limit content types available site-wide and by group. Group owners can then choose which types to use within their group. Group owners can use ALL content types ALLOWED to that group, even if that owner only ACTIVATES a subset of those types for use by his members. All regular permissions and roles are still valid and this module will not override your settings there.

OG Join Role

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The OG Join Role module simply adds a "join organic groups" permission to the Organic Groups module (version 6.x-2.x). A use case for this would be if you have a site where only members of a certain role are allowed to join an organic group.

The module is written in an all-or-nothing sort of way - either certain roles can join any and all groups or they can join no groups. It will not work on a per-group basis.

Mailing List Groups

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This project provides 'yahoo groups' type functionality within Drupal for mailing lists handled by an external mailing list engine.

That is, a mailing list engine (currently only sympa is supported) provides the email part of the functionality, with organic groups on drupal providing the web interface. It is similar to the og2list project in it's goal, but takes a different approach - instead of providing a mailing list engine that extends organic groups, it assumes all mail will be handled by the mailing list manager, and Drupal is the 'client' in a 'client-server' type relationship. The bulk of the complexity of the module comes from keeping messages and list configuration values in sync.

Multisite Manager

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Allows creation of new drupal sites from a central drupal site without the creator having access to database info. The new site is installed either in the same database with a different prefix or if the drupal db_user has access to create a database and grant privileges, then possibly there.

OG User Roles

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OG User Roles allows group administrators of organic groups to grant additional user roles to individual members of a certain group.

Any additional permissions only apply within the context of this group and not globally. This means that the additional user roles to grant are determined and assigned by the requested page; e.g. node/123 belongs to group XYZ for which the user was granted additional roles. If the user goes to another page that does not belong to the same group, the additional user roles are no longer assigned.

Additional user roles can only be granted, not revoked.

Site administrators may also configure a default user role for new group members or a default user role for new group admins.

Organic Groups Translation

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This module allows group owners access to translate their group's title & body without needing them to have access to the whole slate of locale functions. It does this by adding a menu item providing a menu of strings to be translated for that group. The existing i18n module does not work conceptually for objects within groups. This module provides a more user-friendly way for individuals to provide translated content for the group.