Storage API

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Mission Statement

Storage API is a low-level framework for managed file storage and serving. Module and all the core functions will remain agnostic of other modules in order to provide this low-level functionality. Submodules are welcome to allow Storage API to interact with other contributed modules, but there shall never be a dependencies[] statement in the file unless it is necessary for the low-level function of this module.

It has the following features:

  • Pluggable architecture - it can be extended to work with any storage service.
  • Redundancy - it can be configured to store your files in multiple services and instantaneously change which one is serving. This means your site will not be brought down by a service having problems.
  • Access control API - can be used for e-commerce.
  • Deduplication - when files that are identical are stored in the same container, only one instance will be created. This saves bandwidth and storage.
  • File and image field integration - enable the "core bridge" sub-module.
  • Audit module - compares a manifest of files with what is recorded in the database to ensure that the record is accurate.

There are some screencasts demonstrating various features of the module.


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I'm happy to welcome Jakob Persson as a co-maintainer for JSONRPC Server.

Provides a JSON-RPC 1.1 and 2.0 server implementation for the Services module.

This module is being developed over at GitHub but is mirrored to the Drupal CVS. You are very welcome to contribute with patches, or even better, get a account at GitHub and fork it!


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Work is being done on version 2 of the Episodes library, which supports the WebTiming spec. This will be integrated ASAP in this Drupal module!

Episodes is a module that includes the identically named Episodes framework in Drupal. Episodes allows you to measure episodes in a web page's loading sequence. Hence its name.

Authenticated User Page Caching (Authcache)

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The Authcache module offers page caching for both anonymous users and logged-in authenticated users. This allows Drupal/PHP to only spend 1-2 milliseconds serving pages, greatly reducing server resources.

Please note that enabling authenticated user caching will require modifying how your user-customized content displays on your pages. You should be an experienced Drupal developer if you choose to implement the full functionality of this module.


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CloudFront module integrates with imagecache to serve dynamic images from the Amazon CloudFront CDN. Dynamic images are placed in a queue and served immediately from the local filesystem. Once the queue is processed (via cron job) the images will automatically begin serving from CloudFront.

If you flush or modify a preset it will fall back to local hosting so that the changes are visible immediately. The new images will begin serving from CloudFront the next time the queue is processed.

This module requires no patches to either core or third party modules.

Compound Eye

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Compound Eye assists Drupal system administrators who wish to monitor the status of several Drupal installations at once. It consists of a server module and a client module. The server module is installed on the servers to be monitored. The client module can be installed at a "base" Drupal installation and provides a page which connects to the servers and periodically polls them for their status. It's like having the logs and status pages for several Drupal installations all open at once, but all on a single page which only shows you the important stuff.

Views Import

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This module provides an easy way to import previously exported Views definitions.


  1. Create 'sites/all/imports/views' folder.
  2. Install the module.
  3. Export a View you wish to import with following drush command: drush vie view_name
  4. Or export all Views with: drush vie --all


7.x-1.2 version supports Drush.

Ad Memcache

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The ad_cache_memcache module allows for serving advertisements from multiple web servers using a central memcache server. It also improves performance by caching advertisements and statistics in memory, only synchronizing with the database occasionally.

Cache Static

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-- This module is Abandonned for Boost Module --

Developed and maintained by : Sébastien LIBBRECHT (
Development sponsored by : Company Noven
